What Are the Names of the Full Moons and Meanings

One of the most dramatic views in the night sky is a full moon despite the fact it may not be the best time to view the moon with a telescope. The full moon has inspired poets and artists for thousands of years. Within this article, we will discover What the Names of the Full Moons and Meanings Are.

Every month the moon passes through a series of phases, waning and waxing over a 29.5 days cycle. It moves from a new moon on day 0 to a full moon on day 29.5; the process then repeats itself. When the moon is directly opposite the sun, it is awash in the sunlight giving us the magnificent view of a full moon.

Before technology, people have used the moon’s movement to help them keep track of passing years and help plan hunting and other events. Over the years, cultures from all around the world have named full moons. Moons will have been based on plants, harvests, and weather on any given month.

Calander Month – Traditional Full Moon Name

MonthMoon Name
JanuaryWolf Moon
FebruarySnow Moon
MarchWorm Moon
AprilEgg Moon or Pink Moon
MayFlower Moon
JuneStrawberry Moon
JulyHay Moon or Buck Moon
AugustBarley Moon or Sturgeon Moon
SeptemberHarvest Moon
OctoberHunter’s Moon
NovemberBeaver Moon
DecemberCold Moon

January: Wolf Moon

The first full moon of the calendar year is called a wolf moon; it is said to be named by Europeans and Native Americans after the haunting howls of wolves during mid-winter as they hunt out food. There are other names for January’s first full moon, and the most popular is the ice moon for obvious reasons.

February: Snow Moon

The first full moon of February is when we get the first snow on the ground and the reason the first full moon of February is called a snow moon. North American tribes call it the Hunger Moon due to the lack of food available on offer.

March: Worm Moon

As the snow starts to melt, earthworm casts would be visible on the ground in the newly thawed ground, and the birds have a feast on what is thought to be the last full moon of winter. Hence the name worm moon.

April: Egg Moon or Pink Moon

A bird theme again with the full moon in April with it being called an egg moon as its the month that birds start to lay their eggs after a long winter. The pink moon comes from warmer climates as the first flowers blossoming from winter as they cover vast spaces with a pink blanket of blossom.

May: Flower Moon

Native Americans called May’s first full moon the flower moon due to springs wildflowers blanketing the landscape and signal the real end of winter as we move into spring. May is a month with many other names worldwide that include the likes of hare moon, the corn planting moon, and the milk moon.

June: Strawberry Moon

Native Americans used the moon to know when to harvest their spoils. June is the month we have an abundance of strawberries ripe for the picking, so the first full moon was named the strawberry moon. The first moon of June has also been commonly called the hot moon as its the first moon that we start to get the summer heat.

July: Hay Moon or Buck Moon

As the first antlers appear when they start to regrow from the buck’s forehead at this time of year, Native Americans called the first full moon in July the buck moon. High summer is the perfect time for farmers to cut and cure hay for there winter feed and why farmers named it the hay moon. One more common name is the storm moon as the first full moon of July signals summer storms.

August: Barley Moon or Sturgeon Moon

America’s largest freshwater fish, the lake sturgeon, was said by Native Americans that August was the last time you could see them in lakes around America. Barley moon comes from the united kingdom as this was the time farmers would harvest their barley. One more common name is the red moon as the moon takes on a red hue from the summer sun.

September: Harvest Moon

Before, farmers had headlights on farming equipment; the moonlight enabled farmers to gather their crops late into the night using the moon’s light.

October: Hunter’s Moon

October is when the game is fatter as they prepare themselves for the harsh lengthy winter months. Traditionally, Native Americans would start to hunt game to preserve meat for the coming winter months.

November: Beaver Moon

The first new moon is called the beaver moon as both colonists, and the Algonquin tribes set beaver traps to catch beaver for their warm fur for the coming deep winter months. Others argue that a beaver moon is called a beaver, becoming more active and building their nests. Also known as the frost moon as it is November, we get the first frost covering on the ground.

December: Cold Moon

December is when winter starts to set in, and the cold starts to hit, and the main reason why the first full moon of December is called the cold moon. Decembers first full name has other names, and one more commonly used is the long moon. The term long moon comes from the start of the long winter nights first become noticeable.