Age on Other Planets

Come find out how old you would be on other planets and worlds. Just enter your birthday below, click the calculate button, and see what it says! The calculator may not work properly if you forget to enter the full year e.g. 1980. Our website is a treasure trove of information about the planets. Click on anyone to find out more!

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Why Your Age Is Different On Other Planets 

A day and a year are two different things. The sun is the main reason why we have these concepts of time on Earth, but other planets do not always move in this way.

Earth is always moving. It has many different motions happening at the same time, and for a planet to get its day or year measurement there are two main types of motion that need to happen simultaneously.

Determine the Length of a Day by Axis Rotation

Our planet is spinning, just like a top! It’s an important part of our world that you need to understand before we go any further.

A day is the amount of time it takes for a planet to complete one full rotation on its axis.

It would take approximately 24 hours for the Earth to rotate on its axis, and this is one day. We round it up to a full 24 hours. And that can be broken down into 60 minutes in every hour which can also be divided into 60 seconds per minute.

The rotation speed of a planet varies and this is why the age in each box above changes. The rate at which planets spin on their axes depends on how fast they were spinning when they formed billions of years ago, among other things.

Jupiter is the planet that rotates fastest in our solar system, and it takes just 9.92496 hours to complete one rotation- which means you could fit two of Jupiter’s days into a regular 24 hour Earth Day!

Determine the Length of One Year by Orbit or Revolution Around the Sun

The second movement was the revolution of the planet as it moves around the Sun. This is often referred to as a planet’s orbit or an orbit path. On Earth, one year takes 365 days and this is how long it takes for us here on Earth to revolve once around our star – The sun!

The orbit path of Pluto (now a dwarf planet) is so large that it takes 248 years to complete one full revolution around the Sun. You will still be at a young age by the time you are finally done with this planet!

The planet Mercury is the closest near-Sun celestial body, and it takes just 88 days to orbit once around our star. This is why your age on planet mercury will be much higher than that on earth. 

How to Calculate Your Age on Other Planets?

Looking to manually calculate your age on other worlds? It turns out, it’s not that hard to calculate your age on other planets. Just use some data from the table below and apply it along with your current date of birth using these equations below!

PlanetsPlanets Rotation PeriodPlanets Orbit Period
Mercury58.646 days0.2408 years
Venus243.018 days0.61562 years
Earth0.99726968 days365.26 days
Mars1.026 days1.8809 years
Jupiter0.41354 days11.862 years
Saturn0.444 days29.458 years
Uranus0.718 days84.01 years
Neptune0.671 days164.79 years
Pluto (dwarf planet)6.387 days248.54 years

Calculate Years on Other Planets

The conversion formula for converting your age in years is first to convert your age into decimals then divide it by the time it takes the planet to orbit the Sun.

For a 36-years 2-month-old working out Venus, it would be: 

36.2 / 0.61562 = 58.80

Calculate Days on Other Planets

The conversion formula for converting your age into days is to multiply your decimal age by 365.25 for example:

36.2 * 365.25 = 13222.05

Now, we need to divide that number by the planet’s rotation:

13222.05 / 243.018 = 54.40