As we gaze into the night sky and see our closest neighbor, the moon, it often sends the mind into wonder. Looking at the with a telescope for the moon and we see all the surface features. We may ask, can everyone on earth see the same I see through my telescope? So can everyone on earth see the moon at the same time and its surface features?
It is a misconception that countries see the moon phase at different times. Everyone on earth sees the same phase of the moon on the same day. However, the south of the equator, the moon will appear upside down from how the moon appears north of the equator.
As with most questions that we answer about the moon, it often leads to more questions. Yes, we can all see the moon simultaneously, but how and is this the same every day? We answer these and other questions you may be wondering.
Does everyone on earth see the same moon phase?
Yes, everyone on earth sees the same moon phase on the same day; it is a misconception that people in different parts of the world see different moon phases.
There is one difference: people south of the equator will see a moon that appears upside down from people north of the equator.
It is a misconception that may have you wondering how it is possible that someone on the other side of the world can see the moon.
How can both sides of the earth see the moon?
The fact that you can see the moon simultaneously from different parts of the world plays into the flat earth theory. People get frustrated at this, but it is understandable when people say you can see the moon from different parts of the world at the same time.
However, a little geometry can explain how it is possible.
The further away an object is away from you, the more people will be able to see it if the object is big enough. The same goes for the moon; the diagram below illustrates if the moon was closer.
If the moon were a little further away, more of us on earth from different areas would see it simultaneously. Then the last section of the diagram how the moon is and both sides of our earth can see the moon at the same time.

An excellent video below goes into more detail and explains how all this works with an excellent demonstration.
How many hours a day is the moon visible?
Okay, so if we are in the United States of America, we now know that it is possible to see the moon simultaneously as someone in Ireland. But how many hours a day is the moon visible? Knowing how many hours the moon is visible makes planning a moongazing session much better.
The moon is above the horizon 12 hours per 24 hours a day because of the earth and moon rotation. The 12 hours never coincide fully with nightfall; the window for observing the moon is around 6 hours per night.
Why can’t you see the moon every night?
There are many factors why we can’t see the moon every night. We covered why we can’t see the moon every night in more detail. However, I will cover some of the main reasons we may not see the moon tonight.
A new moon is hard to see even if you have a telescope to view the moon.
An obstacle in the way of your view of the moon so you can’t see it in the sky. Also, the moon is not above the horizon on the given night you are observing.
The next time you are gazing into the night sky with your telescope, you will know that someone on the other side of the world can also see what you are seeing.
The moon is our closest neighbor, and there are many other questions we have answered and unanswered. I have tried to answer many of them on our site, so don’t forget to check them out.
Suppose you are looking for a challenge with your telescope; how about searching out the lunar 100? A challenge that requires you to search out 100 surface features. The moon is a fascinating surface features that will have you gazing in amazement.