Telescope Comparison Table

Sorting thought hundreds of telescopes could not only be confusing; it is also hard work. I found that essential information was scattered all over the internet. So this was my main reason I compiled my large telescope comparison table, to gather it all in one easy to read table. What this should allow you to do is quickly search thought and seek out the style of telescope you require.

After listening to our readers, we built a telescope comparison table. I was contacted by a reader called Scott who wanted to help make the table even better. The comparison table will continue to grow over the coming weeks/months thanks to Scotts help and suggestions.

Telescopes Comparison Table

Discussion of or listing a telescope doesn’t imply endorsement; should read several reviews first before buying.
You can sort the table by clicking on any of the headers to arrange the table how you like.
There is a horizontal scroll to access more data. You can swipe on a mobile device or use the scroll bar on a desktop at the bottom of the table.

Comparison Table Header Explained

Brand – Telescope Brand
Model – Telescope Model
My Review – My take on the telescope
Optical Design – The telescopes Optical Design
Aperture – Telescope Aperture
Focal Length – Telescope Focal Length
Focal Ratio – Telescope Focal Ratio
Go-To – If its a Go-To Mount “Yes” blank if not
Database – of items in database. Effectively unlimited if an app can be used.
Software – What software is bundled.
Top useful magnification – calculated. You’re unlikely to get a good image past this unless you’re on top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere, AND it’s a perfect night, AND you just won the telescope Powerball lottery. OR, you’re in space, and you managed to get rid of that smear on the outside of the window.
Optimum magnification – calculated. Telescopes work best in this range.
Effective aperture – calculated. Refractors tend to be slightly better than reflectors, as if the aperture size were slightly larger.
Aperture size in inches – converted from millimeters to inches 
Focal length in inches – converted from millimeters to inches.
(These are included because some articles use inches and other articles use millimeters.)
Eyepiece Size – ideally you want both 1.25″ and 2″. If only 1.25″ you’re limited in what adapters you can use.
Pounds – change to Weight in Pounds. Ideally this is the assembled weight, but may be the box weight.
Our Review – A link to the telescope review, if no link it will be added soon.

If you would like a telescope added to the comparison table or reviewed, please drop us a message here. We do our best to add as many telescopes to the list as quickly as possible.

Our Telescope Comparison Table will be an ever-growing list of telescopes, and I aim to make this the go-to place if you want to compare a telescope.

If you feel something is missing or a way to improve the table, feel free to contact me. I am more than happy to hear suggestions on ways to improve the table to make it easier to use and more informative. I would love to hear if you think there is important data missing that you would like to see.

Thanks for stopping by and happy stargazing.