Has a Woman Ever Walked on the Moon

There are many questions we have about the moon that adults ask. If you have children, then the questions can be a whole lot different. Having a young girl who is a budding astronaut, she may ask, has a woman ever walked on the moon? Inspiring children is often done by pointing at people who have achieved something for inspiration.

As of 2020, twelve astronauts have walked on the Moon, and out if these twelve, not one woman astronaut has ever walked on the Moon.

So, we may not inspire a young girl with an inspirational female astronaut who has landed on the moon. However, can we offer them hope that they may be the first female astronaut to land on the moon?

Will a Female Ever Land on The Moon?

NASA wants to land American astronauts back on the moon by 2024. In 2020 president Donald Trump budgeted $21 billion and asked Congress to approve an additional $1.6 billion for NASA’s budget to carry this out.

But what about female astronauts?

President Donald Trump says he not only wants American astronauts back on the moon; he wants America to land the first woman astronaut on the moon.

There is even more good news for people who would love to see a female land on the moon with the person heading up the task force.

The head of the NASA task force Jim Bridenstine to get American astronauts back to the moon. Jim has a young daughter and says he wants to “enable a new generation of young girls to see themselves in a way they wouldn’t otherwise see themselves.” Very inspirational words that any parent will love to hear and give confidence it will happen.

With this vast budget and desire, we should see a female astronaut land on the moon by 2024.

How to Inspire a Young Female Astronauts

There are plenty of ways to inspire a young girl with female astronauts despite not having a female astronaut who has landed on the moon. With the enormous budget put into this mission, news stories are much more mainstream. With this, female astronauts are being seen much more on TV.

However, I always find that children react to firsts to spark their imagination, and below are some remarkable facts to inspire a budding female astronaut.

  • On 16 June 1963, Soviet Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman to travel into space.
  • On June 18, 1983, NASA Astronaut Sally Ride became the first American female astronaut to travel into space.
  • On November 19, 1997, NASA Astronaut Kalpana Chawla was the first Indian origin woman to go to space.

There are many female astronauts that you can call upon to give inspiration to a young female. Don’t allow the fact we have not landed a woman on the moon yet as a disappointment; female astronauts are a massive part of space programs.

Do I Think It Will Happen?

Yes, 100%, I feel we will have a female astronaut walk on the moon very soon.

With the vast budget that the Trump administration has pledged to NASA and the fact, it has happened plenty of times before, and it will happen again.

Let’s not forget the SpaceX who are on a mission of “Returning humans to lunar missions.”. SpaceX plans on luna missions from 2023, and with all their already successful space missions, would you doubt them achieving their goal.

So with the American Government pledging eyewatering amounts of money and private companies. All pushing to achieve the ultimate mission, it is only a matter of when not if.

The last luna mission was in 1972; let’s hope that the next luna mission is very soon, and we have a female astronaut walk on the moon.


We found out that no woman has ever walked on the moon. However, we found a colossal push by America to get the first female astronaut to walk on the moon by 2024.

If you are looking to inspire a young child, a great way is to hunt for the lunar 100.

A considerable budget is being put into getting it to happen and as someone with kids and someone who loves all things astronomy. I can’t wait till we have astronauts back on the moon, and with that, the first female astronaut.