Listen To The Best Space & Astronomy Podcasts In 2021

The rise of the podcast continues unabated. In recent years, podcasts have become a very popular means of consuming information and content as opposed to reading from an online or hard copy document. For many amateur astronomers or space aficionados, astronomy podcasts are a convenient way to keep up with the latest space news without having to do any work! 

Whether you’re into stargazing, exploring outer space in-depth (or just surface level), black holes – even rocket science there is the show for everyone out there on your favorite topic that will give them all they need straight away; no searching necessary whatsoever! We selected 15 of our favorite shows on this subject matter and decided we would share them with you so that nothing escapes your attention ever again.

Enjoy Your listening!

Our selection of the best space podcasts

The Cosmic Companion

The Cosmic Companion

Host: James Maynard
Topics: Astronomy, Space News, Interviews

Astronomy News with The Cosmic Companion is an insightful and humorous way to stay up-to-date on the latest in space news. Every week, we speak with groundbreaking scientists about their findings; learn what they mean for us here on Earth, then share our thoughts through a sense of humor guaranteed to bring you joy!

The Cosmic Companion is a science podcast dedicated to bringing the latest information on astronomy and space exploration directly into your homes or onto your phones. They believe that there isn’t anything more important than investing in one’s future, which includes learning about new discoveries from astronomers all over the world!

Have you been missing out on some of the most important space and astronomy news? Subscribe to The Cosmic Companion today, or follow them in order to get updates that will never miss an episode.

Where To Listen To The Cosmic Companion Podcast

RadioPublic | Apple Podcast | Official Website

StarTalk Radio

StarTalk Radio

Host: Neil deGrasse Tyson
Topics: Space, general science

StarTalk Radio is a podcast hosted by the famous astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson which is published every Friday at 7pm ET. The show’s mission, to “bridge science, pop culture and comedy with clarity, humor, and passion”, has been achieved very well as evidenced in their recent episode about astronomy entitled “The Universe Around Us.” In this hour-long talk they discuss what it would be like if other planets were closer than Earth; how scientists measure distances between stars or galaxies using parallaxes (and some of its limitations); why Pluto was reclassified from planet status after being discovered to actually be a dwarf planet; and much more!

I love listening to StarTalk on my commute! The show won the “Best Science & Education Podcast award” last year. I find it helpful and educational but also entertaining, which is always a good thing when you’re stuck in traffic.

Where To Listen To StarTalk Radio Podcast

Spotify | Apple Podcast | Official Website

Houston, We Have a Podcast

Host: Gary Jordan
Topics: Space, NASA, Spaceflight

Houston, we have a podcast. Hosted by Gary Jordan from NASA and published every Friday morning at 11am EST, this show is the perfect way to spend your weekend mornings with interesting stories about space exploration. If you love discussion on astronauts and rockets but are always wondering what’s happening right now today in our solar system or beyond then tune into Houston We Have A Podcast!

Where To Listen To Houston, We Have a Podcast

Sound Cloud | Apple Podcast | Official Website

Planetary Radio

Host: Mat Kaplan
Topics: Space News, Exploration, Science, Technology

Planetary Radio is a podcast hosted by Mat Kaplan of The Planetary Society that broadcasts every Wednesday. This weekly broadcast invites many scientists, astronauts, and celebrities such as Bill Nye to discuss the latest news in the space industry.

The program offers listeners an exciting way to keep up with recent developments in astronautics both from planned future missions and technological development perspectives which are shared through this entertaining show for anyone interested or excited about humanity’s potential exploration outside Earth’s atmosphere including those who want a unique perspective on what could be waiting for us out there among planets like Mars!

Where To Listen To Planetary Radio

Stitcher | Apple Podcast | Official Website

Space Junk Podcast

Host: Tony Darnell, Dustin Gibson
Topics: Astronomy, Stargazing, Planets, Telescopes

This podcast is hosted by Tony Darnell and Dustin Gibson, who share their love of astronomy with the world in 10 to 14-day intervals. The show has been created for all levels of experience and knowledge; from basic discussions about astrophotography to more complex conversations on new tools or gadgets that can be used when stargazing at night. You’ll find out everything you need to know before heading outside!

Where To Listen To Space Junk Podcast

Anchor | Apple Podcast | Official Website

Universe Today Podcast

Host: Fraser Cain
Topics: Universe, Cosmos, Astronomy, Space Exploration

The space podcast “Open Space” is hosted by Fraser Cain, the editor of Universe Today, and new episodes are published every week. Topics range from colonization on Mars to future possibilities about the universe or even extraterrestrial life! The show has over 670 episodes available for listening to with something that everyone can enjoy.

Where To Listen To Universe Today Podcast

Pod Bean | Pod Bay | Official Website

Star Signs: Go Stargazing!

Host: Tom Kerss
Topics: Stargazing, Observing, Planets, Night Sky, Moon

As an amateur astronomer, Tom Kerss has a deep knowledge of night sky observation. This makes him the perfect host for his podcast Star Signs: Go Stargazing! In each episode, he shares what celestial objects are visible as well as their magnitude and other details. The episodes usually last no more than 10 minutes so you won’t get bored or lose interest in the content too quickly. It’s one of my favorite astronomy podcasts on the market because it is both accessible and informative – I can listen to this without getting lost in technical terminology which would be hard if not impossible for me otherwise since I am just starting out with stargazing myself!

Where To Listen To Star Signs: Go Stargazing! Podcast

Google Pod | Apple Podcast | Official Website

SpaceTime with Stuart Gary

Host: Stuart Gary
Topics: Astronomy, Technology, Space, and Science News.

SpaceTime with Stuart Gary is an astronomy podcast that has been running for about 4 years. With over 500 episodes, the show covers everything from black holes to planets and stars in great depth. And if you’re interested in space and astronomy news but don’t have time to read all of them every day, this is a must-listen!

Where To Listen To SpaceTime with Stuart Gary

Spotify | Google Podcast | Official Website

Astronomy Cast

Host: Fraser Cain & Pamela Gay
Topics: Astronomy, Space News, Interviews

One of the most popular astronomy podcasts in existence, Astronomy Cast is hosted by Fraser Cain and Pamela Gray. The show tackles topics from recent discoveries to deep space phenomena with a conversational tone that will make you feel like they are talking right over your shoulder. With its varying content, it’s impossible for listeners not to find something interesting or intriguing!

Where To Listen To Astronomy Cast Podcast

YouTube | Apple Podcast | Official Website

Radio Astronomy

Host: Dr. Chris North and Dr. David Whitehouse
Topics: Astronomy

The Monthly Astronomy Podcast from the makers of BBC Sky at Night Magazine is a monthly podcast about all things astronomical. It’s brought to you by Dr. Chris North and Dr. David Whitehouse, who are both experts in their fields with decades of experience between them. And it’s all for you!

Join us each month as we explore the latest discoveries from astronomers around the world, chat with some amazing space scientists and engineers, and discuss how these developments will affect your future skywatching adventures.

Where To Listen To Radio Astronomy Podcast

Tunein | Apple Podcast | Official Website

The Orbital Mechanics

Host: David Fourman, Ben Etherington & Dennis Just
Topics: Spaceflight Engineering, Rockets, Space Exploration, Interviews

The Orbital Mechanics is a podcast that provides in-depth, interesting commentary on space flight and exploration. The three hosts are extremely passionate about the topic which makes it very accessible to everyone interested in these topics. I was able to listen without an engineering background because of how well they explained difficult concepts such as deep space navigation with ease. They also go into more detail than you would see from other sources by discussing future missions and projects like colonizing Mars or building settlements on the moon’s surface – something we’re only years away from achieving!

The Orbital Mechanics Podcast helps listeners understand what all goes into exploring new planets while still being entertaining at times (through segments like history lessons).

Where To Listen To The Orbital Mechanics Podcast

Spotify | Apple Podcast | Official Website

Urban Astronomer

Host: Allen Versfeld
Topics: Astronomy, Physics, Interviews

It’s understandable why we all found astronomy so simple as children but did you know that there are many complex concepts at play? The Urban Astronomer Podcast does its best to decipher the more complicated aspects of this universe. Join them on an educational and captivating journey through South African space with interviews from professional astronomers and amateur enthusiasts alike!

Where To Listen To Urban Astronomer Podcast

Stitcher | Google Podcast | Official Website

Naked Astronomy

Host: The Naked Scientists
Topics: Astronomy, Space, Science

Naked Astronomy is a podcast about all things astronomy and space science, with an emphasis on the fun. Hosted by three PhDs (a physicist, a biologist, and an astrobiologist) with over 20 years of experience between them, it’s like listening to your favorite group of geeky mates banter about space while actually being in space!

They make Naked Astronomy entertaining as well as informative; Their aim is for you to learn something new every time you listen. They also love talking to people from across the world who are passionate about astronomy and want us to answer their questions.

Where To Listen To Naked Astronomy Podcast

Spotify | Apple Podcast | Official Website

Cosmo Quest | 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast

Host: People from around the world
Topics: Astronomy

The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is a project that publishes one podcast per day, 5 to 10 minutes in duration, for all 365 days of the year. The podcast episodes are written, recorded, and produced by people around the world. We’re looking for individuals, schools, companies, and clubs – anyone with an interest in astronomy! – to provide 5-10 minutes of audio for our daily podcast. You can do as few as 1 episode or up to 12 episodes (one per month). Our goal is to encourage people to sign up for a particular day (or days) of the year.

Where To Listen To Cosmo Quest | 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast

Feedspot | Apple Podcast | Official Website

Walkabout the Galaxy

Host: Joshua Colwell, Adrienne Dove, and James Cooney
Topics: Astronomy

The irreverent and informative tour of the latest, greatest, and most interesting discoveries in astronomy. A nonprofit organization that provides a public service to anyone with an interest in discovering more about our universe.

Established by two passionate amateur astronomers who wanted to share their love of the night sky with others. They work hard each day to bring you amazing stories from space, interviews with scientists, stunning images from telescopes around the world, and updates on missions exploring our solar system and beyond.

Where To Listen To The Walkabout the Galaxy Podcast

FeedSpot | Apple Podcast | Official Website